Important Notice:

Due to the Coronavirus, all Sunday morning service(s) will be done via a zoom meeting until further notice.
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Step: 1 - Please dial: 13017158592
Step: 2 - Enter Meeting ID: 381 732 7583
Step: 3 - Once you hear the operator start speaking press # twice, And then you will enter the waiting room.

**PTL Believers, Pastor Posey is asking the Mt. NeBo Church family and friends to anoint their door post with oil in the Name of Jesus as long as the plague (coronavirus) is in the land. Please read Old Testament Exodus 12:13. Continue to pray, pray, and pray for yourself, family the whole Body of Christ and this world condition.

If someone would like to financially support this ministry please use our cash app, $MtNeBo2300 or mail your check(s) or money order(s) to our post office box.

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June 21-23, 2024 More Info >>

Mt. Nebo was established in 1957 by the late Overseer Vivian Irene Posey.  The church was named after the mountain mentioned in Deuteronomy 34:1.

'And Moses went up from up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, that is over Jericho.  And the Lord showed him all the land of Gilead unto Dan...'

When the Lord lead her into starting her own ministry, the first church residence was in a one room building on 400 South Columbus Street in Alexandria, Virginia.  God sent the church true servants willing to work for Him, and as the congregation grew, the Mt. Nebo family, in 1958, moved to 815 Queen Street.  The final move, in January of 1970, brings us to the building that we call home on 2300 Burke Avenue.  It had taken only seven years for Overseer Vivian I. Posey and congregation to pay off the mortgage on the church.  As God continued to bless financially, He also blessed spiritually by adding more souls to the church.  Overseer Posey established a church motto that she stood by until her death.

"Do all we can, for whoever we can, for as long as we can."

Overseer Posey established the Vivian I. Posey Society that went around the community and helped those in need.  There was no limit to the giving that was generated by such a loving, kind-hearted Pastor, who also did not sugar coat the word when she spoke to her congregation.  Whether her words were of chastisement or encouragement, they were always given in love and with the scriptures as her backup. Many Pastors in the community started their journey with the Lord at Mt. Nebo and thus the church continued to grow internally and externally.  When God felt that Overseer Vivian I. Posey had completed her mission for the Lord, He called her up to glory in April of 1986.  Overseer Posey was missed by all in the community for her spiritual and natural works, but her motto is still carried on by her congregation to this day.  We will always remember this woman that God had blessed us to come in contact with here at Mt. Nebo.

Following Overseer Posey's death, the church elected Elder Marvin Scott as leader of the church.  Elder Scott held office as Pastor of Mt. Nebo for eight years.  Elder Scott held on to many ideals that Overseer Posey had believed in and preached to the congregation about making sure that your works and deeds separated you from the sinners.  Elder Scott eventually moved on to build his own church ministry.

After the departure of Elder Scott, the church voted and established Richard J. Hunter as Pastor of Mt. Nebo.  Pastor Hunter grew up at Mt. Nebo and so carried on the teachings established by Overseer Vivian I. Posey.  He served as pastor for five years.  During the years after our founder's death, Mt. Nebo has had some glorious times and times of tribulation.  Through it all, it's faithful members have had a press to keep praising and worshiping the Lord.

We are proud today of our very own Pastor, Elder Maryann S. Posey, who has been our leader since September of 2000.  We have now come full circle and are a few in number but ready and willing to do a great work for the Lord.  We look forward to the future because we know God will help increase and bless all those who are willing to serve the Lord.

"Do all we can, for whoever we can, for as long as we can."